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OCR: DATA FUNCTION HOW NETWORK Where PEOPLE TIME Wher MOTIVATION Why SCOPE List of Things List of Processes List of Locations List of Orgs List of Events List of Business (CONTEXTUAL) Important to the Business In Which the Important to the Significant Goals/Strategies the Business Performs Business Operates Business to the Business - Planner Entity = Clow of Business Fanction = Cais of E-niness MODE = Sig or Business Time - Major Business Thing PrORES Scolytritkal Success Factor ENTERPRISE Semantic Work Flow MODEL Model Business Process Logistics Master Business Model Network Model Schedule Plan (CONTEXTUAL) Owner Ent = Business Ertity: Rel = Dech Relationship Prote Quines Process Nade = Guiness Location de = Busites Cole End = Business Objective SYSTEM Logical Data Application Distributed Model Architecture Human Interface System Processing Structure Business Rule MODEL Architecture Model [LOGICAL) Architecture Designer Ent = feta Lslity Frot- Appkantion Functist Nadc = LS Fandtian Factle = Fole End = Structural iswertich Wort = Whak Fiscus Means w Action Assertion TECHNOLOGY Physical System System Presentation Control Rut MODEL Model Design Architecture Architecture Structure Design (PHYSICAL) Builder Ens = Sognere Tablettr. Frozen Corapurier Funkcilen Node = Hedwing Spsterz People = ther Work @ Screen Femmeat DETAILED Data Program Network Security Timing Bule REPRESENTATIONS Definition Architecture Architecture Definition Specification OUT-OF-CONTEXT] Subcontractor Froco Language Shacamisit Hode- ASorontes People = destity Time = Inostript Link= Proko's HearG - SEP FUNCTIONING Data Function Network Organization Schedule Strategy ENTERPRISE FIGURE 1 . Aframework for enterprise architecture.